• 简单问题直接问,把要求写在开头或者结束。 https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.03172 (研究发现简单问题step by step或者COT适得其反)

  • 复杂问题,按照思维跳数把问题用\n分解或者用伪代码形式描述,同样重点尽量放句子两边。 (研究发现“When separating reasoning steps, newline \n symbol works better than step i, period . or semicolon ;”)

  • 找灵感头脑风暴,可以让几个AI互相扮演比如模拟审稿人和作者一问一答。

    • e.g.


      If you were a reviewer for this article, what questions would you ask the author, and what would you write about this article?


      You are the author of this article and the reviewer gives you a review of the article below, please write a rebuttal reply to the questions asked by the reviewer and get as many points as possible for yourself
